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Posted on: May 22nd, 2024


After some recent reflection on business and car washing, I decided I needed to focus more on the fundamentals in our business this year; request in – service out.  It sounds very simplistic but why make it harder than that? The difficult part lies in how we minimize the time between the request and service…

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Posted on: August 31st, 2023

So Long Summer!

You might not want to admit it, but summer is over!  Just drive by any school in the morning and the traffic will tell you that.  While you might not want to think about it, it is time to prepare your wash for winter.  Too many times, we see sites wait until the first snow…

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Posted on: May 23rd, 2022

So You Need LAND!

Gen 1:9  Then God said, “Let the waters beneath the sky flow together into one place, so dry ground may appear.” And that is what happened.  Gen 1:10  God called the dry ground “land” and the waters “seas.” And God saw that it was good. And that’s it, that is all the land there is…

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Posted on: May 12th, 2021

Spring is in the Air – Time to Clean and Refresh!

“Spring Cleaning” is an ancient tradition that nearly 72% of households still participate in today. In many religions, Spring is a time of remembrance and refreshing.  The Frontier used this time to tidy up and prepare for Summer.  In fact, “Spring Cleaning” was created to remove the build-up of soot from windows in log cabins…

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Posted on: May 3rd, 2021

Free WI-FI

On a recent trip, the “Free Wi-Fi” was not available on my flight. There were no excuses, no partial refunds, no concessions – it was simply “we are sorry, but it’s not working right now.” And you know what? Not a single passenger stood up in protest, argued, or demanded anything additional – NOT ONE!…

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Posted on: January 13th, 2021

The ‘Positives’ of COVID

It’s hard to look back on 2020 and think good things came from it.  From a general business perspective, it was hard.  Materials/products were hard to come by, the ever-changing rules and regulations, our kids and their school environment.  Loss and hardship seemed to be everywhere we looked. COVID did force us to face some…

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Posted on: December 18th, 2020

The Value of a Partnership

While surfing social media this week, I came across a passage that really resonated. Often times, we find ourselves seeking out a trained professional to perform a service that we may not have the tools or training to complete ourselves. Sometimes, we find ourselves in “sticker shock” over a particular cost of service. What we…

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Posted on: September 20th, 2019

Operational Discipline via Leadership

Written by guest blogger Justin Salisbury, Breeze Thru Car Wash- COO, Leadership Worth Following- Founder All businesspeople embark on a journey to succeed. They chase the dreams of bringing their vision to life and making a living doing it. Yet, 1 in 5 businesses fail in the first year and 1 in 2 fail by…

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Posted on: June 7th, 2019

Get Started!

I read the other day that the Amazon logo (seen here) with the arrow from a to z represents that the company carries everything from A to Z. I stopped for a minute and thought “how amazing to start a company and think all the way through and come up with it as a start…

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Posted on: June 6th, 2018

A Week at Disney – Make It Easy! (Part 1)

If you have ever been to Disney, you would probably agree it is easy to like the place. I just spent a week at Disney World in Florida with my family and, while I have several things I took away from the experience, here is the big one: THEY MADE IT EASY! From the moment…

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